Lymph System, Male, Anatomy

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Title: Lymph System, Male, Anatomy
Description: Lymphatic system; drawing shows the lymph vessels and lymph organs, including the lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus, spleen, and bone marrow. Also shown is the small intestine (one site of mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue). There are also two pullouts: one showing a close up of the inside structure of a lymph node and the attached artery, vein, and lymph vessels with arrows showing how the lymph (clear, watery fluid) moves into and out of the lymph node, and another showing a close up of bone marrow with blood cells.

The lymph system is part of the body's immune system and is made up of tissues and organs that help protect the body from infection and disease. These include the tonsils, adenoids (not shown), thymus, spleen, bone marrow, lymph vessels, and lymph nodes. Lymph tissue is also found in many other parts of the body, including the small intestine.
Topics/Categories: Anatomy -- Lymphatic System
Type: Color, Medical Illustration (JPEG format)
Source: National Cancer Institute
Creator: Terese Winslow (Illustrator)
AV Number: CDR533339
Date Created: March 18, 2024
Date Added: August 27, 2008
Reuse Restrictions: Yes - This image is copyright protected. Any use of this image is subject to prevailing copyright laws. U.S. Government has reuse rights. Please contact the rights holder of this image for permission requests.

Rights holder: Terese Winslow