Senos densos y cáncer

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Title: Senos densos y cáncer
Description: Entre las mujeres estadounidenses de 40 a 74 años de edad, del 40% al 50% tienen senos densos. Las mujeres con senos densos tienen un mayor riesgo de cáncer de seno.

This image is part of the Infografías y Gráficos en Español (Spanish) collection.
Topics/Categories: Cancer Types -- Breast Cancer
Infographics -- Health
Type: Color, Illustration (JPEG format)
Source: National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Date Created: January 10, 2019
Date Added: March 25, 2019
Reuse Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and can be freely reused. Please credit the source and, where possible, the creator listed above.