HLA Complex

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Title: HLA Complex
Description: Human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) complex; drawing shows the long and short arms of human chromosome 6 with amplification of the HLA region, including the class I A, B, and C alleles, and the class II DP, DQ, and DR alleles.

HLA Complex. Human chromosome 6 with amplification of the human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) region. The locations of specific HLA loci for the class I B, C and A alleles and the class II DP, DQ, and DR alleles are shown.
Topics/Categories: Test or Procedure -- Genetic Tests
Type: Color, Medical Illustration (JPEG format)
Source: National Cancer Institute
Creator: Terese Winslow (Illustrator)
AV Number: CDR728500
Date Created: March 8, 2012
Date Added: December 4, 2015
Reuse Restrictions: Yes - This image is copyright protected. Any use of this image is subject to prevailing copyright laws. U.S. Government has reuse rights. Please contact the rights holder of this image for permission requests.

Rights holder: Terese Winslow
Email: terese@teresewinslow.com