Lynch Syndrome Pedigree

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Title: Lynch Syndrome Pedigree
Description: Pedigree showing some of the classic features of a family with Lynch syndrome across three generations, including transmission occurring through maternal and paternal lineages and the presence of both colon and endometrial cancers.

Lynch syndrome pedigree. This pedigree shows some of the classic features of a family with Lynch syndrome, including affected family members with colon cancer or endometrial cancer and a younger age at onset in some individuals. Lynch syndrome families may exhibit some or all of these features. Lynch syndrome families may also include individuals with other gastrointestinal, gynecologic, and genitourinary cancers, or other extracolonic cancers. As an autosomal dominant syndrome, Lynch syndrome can be transmitted through maternal or paternal lineages, as depicted in the figure.
Topics/Categories: Science and Technology -- Genetics
Type: B&W, Diagram (JPEG format)
Source: National Cancer Institute
AV Number: CDR766496
Date Created: November 14, 2014
Date Added: December 22, 2014
Reuse Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and can be freely reused. Please credit the source and, where possible, the creator listed above.