Early X-ray Treatment Room

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Title: Early X-ray Treatment Room
Description: Founded in 1898 by Dr. Roswell Park, what came to be called the Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI) was the first institution in the nation dedicated exclusively to cancer research. This image shows Roswell Park's first x-ray treatment room. Note control panel on the left. Dr. Park was among the first to use x-rays for treatment of cancer. RPCI was named an NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center in 1974.
Topics/Categories: Historical -- Technology and Treatment
Locations -- Clinic/Hospital
Treatment -- Radiation Therapy
Type: B&W, Photo (JPEG format)
Source: Roswell Park Memorial Institute
Creator: Unknown Photographer
AV Number: AV-0000-3136
Date Created: Unknown
Date Added: January 1, 2001
Reuse Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and can be freely reused. Please credit the source and, where possible, the creator listed above.