Message from Dr. Rathmell, Director of the National Cancer Institute

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Title: Message from Dr. Rathmell, Director of the National Cancer Institute
Description: For fiscal year 2026, we are seeking a robust budget increase to fully capitalize on the extraordinary scientific opportunities before us and advance our shared goal of ending cancer as we know it.

The FY26 proposal builds on the momentum created by the Cancer Moonshot and the National Cancer Plan, reflecting our vision for future progress. It highlights four key areas where we need to move the needle against cancer even further: addressing the rise in cancer among young adults, understanding the comprehensive effects of cancer on the body, identifying ways to alleviate the financial burdens associated with cancer care, and developing vaccines that can prevent or treat cancers.

This image is part of the NCI Fiscal Year 2026 Annual Plan & Professional Judgment Budget Proposal collection.

See also
Subjects (names): W. Kimryn Rathmell
Type: Color, Photo (JPEG format)
Source: National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Date Created: September 3, 2024
Date Added: September 3, 2024
Reuse Restrictions: None - This image is in the public domain and can be freely reused. Please credit the source and, where possible, the creator listed above.