Transfusion, Blood

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Title: Transfusion, Blood
Description: Blood transfusion; drawing of red blood cells being given to a patient through an intravenous (IV) catheter in the arm.

Blood transfusion. A patient is given blood through an intravenous (IV) catheter in the arm. The blood may be donated by another person, or it may have been taken from the patient and stored until needed.
Topics/Categories: Treatment -- Other Interventions
Type: Color, Medical Illustration (JPEG format)
Source: National Cancer Institute
Creator: Terese Winslow (Illustrator)
AV Number: CDR755979
Date Created: September 21, 2015
Date Added: October 7, 2015
Reuse Restrictions: Yes - This image is copyright protected. Any use of this image is subject to prevailing copyright laws. U.S. Government has reuse rights. Please contact the rights holder of this image for permission requests.

Rights holder: Terese Winslow